M u j a h e d  K h a l l a f


Girl checking soldier - Bethlehem 2011

mosaic stones

original image by Banksy

Frog - Hebron 2008

ceramic stones

Mona Leila - Ramallah 2013

mosaic stones

Old city of Hebron - Ramallah 2013

mosaic and ceramic stones

Kitchen design - Ramallah 2009

ceramic stones

Portrait of Maha Nassar - Ramallah 2011

Leader of Palestinian women and a member of the Central Committee of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

mosaic stones

Portrait of Ghaasan Kanafani - Ramallah 2008

Palestinian writer assassinated by Israeli soldiers in Lebanon 1972

mosaic stones

Ceramic - Hebron 2010

Home design - Bethlehem 2012

mosaic stones on wall

Mosaic- Ramallah 2013

original image by Najil al Ali

Palestinian cartoonist, noted for the political criticism of the Arab regimes and Israel in his works. He drew over 40,000 cartoons, which often reflected Palestinian and Arab public opinion and were sharply critical commentaries on Palestinian and Arab politics and political leaders

Mosaic - Bethlehem 2012

stones in frame

Drawings - Ramallah 2009-2012

coal on carton

Woman’s face in wax- Ramallah 2010

recycled candle

Virginity on sheets- Ramallah 2013

Public exposure of the loss of virginity

after the wedding night in Bethlehem

Acrylic on cotton

Portrait of Anonymous- Ramallah 2010

spices, edible oil and coal drawn with

cigarette filter on paper

Palestinian woman

growing out of a flower pot- Birzeit 2009

clay in earth

Safari- Ramallah 2011

children’s room design

Acrylic on wallpaper

Balloons- Ramallah 2011

children’s room design

Acrylic on wallpaper


Art work


chlorine on canvas


Holy Land behind walls

chlorine on canvas


The wall

chlorine on canvas



chlorine on canvas